Failed to prepare TableSyncChunk plugin: Cannot chunk table `xxx`.`xxx` using the character column skey, most likely because all values start with the same character.

Failed to prepare TableSyncChunk plugin: Cannot chunk table `doufu`.`user_login` using the character column skey, most likely because all values start with the same character. This table must be synced separately by specifying a list of –algorithms without the Chunk algorithm at /usr/bin/pt-table-sync line 4088. while doing doufu.user_login on web3

pt-table-sync --print --execute --databases xxx h=master,u=repl,p=xxx,D=xxx,t=xxx h=slave --no-check-slave --lock=1 --charset=utf8mb4 --algorithms=Nibble,GroupBy,Stream

加参数 –algorithms=Nibble,GroupBy,Stream